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Lace Up
& Learn!

Because isn't it time we added more

MOVEMENT back into our days?

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This is your official invitation to step away from your work

(we know, we know... it's just for a few minutes),

lace up your shoes

and walk, jog, bike, or run with us!


We understand it can be difficult to set aside time to do this BUT studies prove that taking breaks throughout your workday to get in some exercise makes you more productive AND less stressed!


Whether you push the table back in the family room, take to the stairs in your home or office building OR step outside for some fresh air.  

Whatever you choose, just MOVE as we take an intentional pause

weekly to 'Learn & Burn' together!

Join us for the Kick-Off Event!

So what are you waiting for?

Register TODAY for our inaugural event March 8, 2022!

We're celebrating International Women's Day! 

and join the conversation

with an inspiring group of women from around the world!


And did we mention these midday lessons are FREE!


Next, make plans to join us weekly for engaging lessons on everything from mental health, information technology, small business matters, and more! You don't want to miss the opportunity to join this amazing community! And it's a perfect opportunity to get the kiddos involved!

There will be kid-friendly topics for them as well!

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